Frequently Ask Questions

Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before the service begins. (Sunday service begins at 10:00 am) Many parishioners like to use the time before the service begins for quiet prayer or reflection. Others gather in the Parish Hall for casual conversation before the service. (If you arrive late for the service, don’t worry, grab a bulletin from the table in the entry and come on in quietly.)
A typical Sunday service is around 75 minutes.
You will find some parishioners more dressed up than others, and some women wearing veils. We encourage you to wear what you feel is appropriate to worship our Lord. Your presence is what matters most!
Yes! There is handicap parking available at the rear entry of the church, with a ramp leading to the Parish Hall. You can enter the sanctuary from here.
At times, our worship can feel like a form of calisthenics: between kneeling, standing, and sitting, we tend to be up and down quite a bit! This is, in part, because we believe that bodily gestures and postures are an important means of how we worship as embodied creatures. We offer some suggestions in the right-hand side of the service bulletin for the customary postures you might see during worship, but you should feel free to engage as you feel able or comfortable to do so.
We believe that children belong in church, where they can become accustomed to the patterns of prayer and worship. We have “busy bags” with books and drawing tablets available for young children to use during the service. Some families like to sit up front where their children can more easily see what’s going on during the service. You may also see children serving as ushers or acolytes.

We have a Sunday School program that meets every other week after the service while adults enjoy coffee hour.
Babies are welcome! We have a changing and nursing station behind the curtain in the entry. A second changing station is located in the bathroom downstairs.
All baptized Christians who have been confirmed by a Bishop in apostolic succession are invited to receive Holy Communion.

Those who have not yet been confirmed may receive a blessing from the priest at the altar rail. Proceed to the altar rail and cross your arms over your chest to indicate that you would like a blessing.

Watch Sunday Service Videos

Recordings of past Sunday services are available on our YouTube channel.

What We Believe

No matter who you are, or who you have been, Christ's grace, love and mercy can transform you, bringing you joy and peace, now and eternally.

Meet Our Clergy

The clergy at St Edward's are available to meet with you for pastoral guidance and prayer.

How We Worship

We are a Christian church following the Anglican tradition of worship. Newcomers are always welcome!