We are a Christian church following the Anglican tradition of worship. Newcomers are always welcome, whether you are familiar with the Anglican tradition or have never heard of it!
Our chief act of worship (referred to as Mass, the Eucharist or Holy Communion) obeys Our Lord’s command to “do this in remembrance of me” (Lk. 22:19, 1 Cor. 11:24). Likewise, the Daily Office (Morning Prayer and Evensong) is a continuation of the ancient practice of worship at different times throughout the day (which we see, e.g., in Ps. 119:64 and in the “prayers” of Acts 2:42). Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist are offered most days at St. Edward’s.
At every celebration of the Eucharist, we hear a reading from the Gospel and the Epistles, as well as numerous quotations from the Psalms and other Old Testament books.
Directions for when to stand, kneel, and sit are included throughout the bulletin to enable worshipers to participate as fully as possible. If you are unable to kneel or stand, please feel free to remain seated. Please join us after Mass in the Parish Hall for coffee and refreshments. If there is any way we may be of assistance, please speak with the usher or one of the clergy.
All baptized Christians who have been confirmed by a Bishop in apostolic succession are invited to receive Holy Communion. To receive Communion, please proceed to the altar rail at the indicated time. If you wish to receive by intinction (i.e., having the Host dipped in the Wine), the Host will be placed on your hand. Leave it in your hand, and the priest with the Chalice will intinct the Host and place it on your tongue. If you do not wish to receive either the Bread or the Cup, you may cross your arms over your chest as the priest approaches. It is the ancient teaching of the Church that the whole Sacrament is received in either kind.
Those who have not yet been confirmed may receive a blessing from the priest at the altar rail. Proceed to the altar rail and cross your arms over your chest.
St. Edward’s is located at 6361 North Keystone Avenue, on the north side of Indianapolis.
If you are approaching from the north, you will need to make a U-turn at 64th Street in order to enter the church parking lot from Keystone Avenue.
St. Edward’s is the cathedral church of Diocese of the Midwest within the ACC, and part of Anglican Continuum.