
Here are some of the words you will hear at St. Edward's, and what they mean.

Altar: A raised table or structure at the front of the church where the priest prepares Holy Communion.

Baptism: Initiation into Christian life, by which we are healed of original sin, marked as belonging to Christ forever, and made members of Christ’s Body, the Church, through the washing of water.

Bishop: The ordained minister who presides over the local church in a diocese (a geographical area). The bishop is considered to be the successor to the Apostles, and he safeguards the correct teaching and worship of the Church.

Blessing: The act by which a person or thing is set apart (consecrated) for God’s purposes, with an accompanying outpouring of God’s grace.

Celebrant: The priest or bishop who presides at the liturgy of the Eucharist and leads the people in worship.

Collect: A short prayer specified for the day, usually summarizing the focus of the liturgy, asking for God’s assistance, and often giving thanks for His work in the lives of the saints.

Confirmation: The sacrament in which one renews the vows made at baptism and receives the strengthening of the Holy Spirit’s work in one’s life through the laying-on of hands by a bishop. Required to receive Holy Communion. 

Eucharist: From the Greek for “thanksgiving,” this is the sacrament in which Christ’s Body and Blood are consecrated and received. Often called Holy Communion or Mass.

Evensong: A daily set of prayers and scripture readings for the end of the day, also called “evening prayer”.

Incense: Special resins that are burned in a censer (also called a thurible) to create fragrant smoke, which represents the offering and ascending of our prayers to God, as well as to signify being made holy.

Liturgy: A set form or order of public worship. 

Mattins: A daily set of prayers and scripture readings for the beginning of the day, also called “morning prayer”.

Oblations: The offerings of bread and wine that are set apart to be consecrated as the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist.

Parish: The local church community, usually dedicated to a saint or mystery of the Faith. St. Edward’s is our parish church.

Priest: All Christians are priests by virtue of their baptism (1 Pet. 2:9), but some men are ordained to be priests in the particular sense of a minister who offers the Eucharist on behalf of the community, absolves from sin, and confers God’s blessings on people and things.

Sacraments: Acts through which God’s grace is inwardly conveyed to us through outward signs and tokens. The sacraments of the Church are Baptism, the Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession, Matrimony (marriage), Holy Orders (ordination), and Unction (anointing of the sick and dying).

Visit St. Edward’s

Sundays: Morning Prayer begins at 9:30 am, Holy Eucharist begins at 10:00 am.

Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri Morning Prayer begins at 10:00 am, Holy Eucharist begins at 10:30 am

Weekday schedule is subject to change. Please text or call Fr Corey at (865) 719-8051 to confirm if you plan to attend.

Children are welcome!

St. Edward’s is located at 6361 North Keystone Avenue, on the north side of Indianapolis.

If you are approaching from the north, you will need to make a U-turn at 64th Street in order to enter the church parking lot from Keystone Avenue.

What We Believe

No matter who you are, or who you have been, Christ's grace, love and mercy can transform you, bringing you joy and peace, now and eternally.

Meet Our Clergy

The clergy at St Edward's are available to meet with you for pastoral guidance and prayer.

How We Worship

We are a Christian church following the Anglican tradition of worship. Newcomers are always welcome!